
The Dutch Soft Matter Meeting aims at providing a regular forum of discussion and exchange between Master and PhD students, postdocs, senior scientists and industry working on all topics of soft condensed matter in the Netherlands. The one-day meeting takes place twice a year and features invited talks and short soundbites. There is ample opportunity for discussion during the coffee and lunch breaks as well as during the reception at the end of the day. The location of the meeting is alternated between all Dutch universities that host soft matter groups.

Registration costs

The registration costs are set to 25 euro.


Researchers at all levels are invited to contribute to the meeting by presenting their recent research in a short advertising talk of maximum 2 minutes. The use of more than three powerpoint slides is strongly discouraged.


The Dutch Soft Matter Meeting was started by Peter Schall (University of Amsterdam) and Martin van Hecke (Leiden University and AMOLF) in 2006. After 20 successful editions, Kees Storm (TU Eindhoven) and Daniela Kraft (Leiden University) took over the organization in 2016. Since 2021, the Dutch Soft Matter Meeting is organized by Liesbeth Janssen (TU Eindhoven) and Alvaro Marin (University of Twente). For each meeting, the regular organizers team up with a local organizer. The website is currently maintained by Ilian Pihlajamaa (TU Eindhoven) and Leon Hillman (TU Eindhoven).


If you have questions about the meeting please contact the organizers at softmattermeeting@gmail.com.